Dec 15, 2010

Guitar strings like letters.

When I ask myself : what do you want to do?

Well...I like to act, and sing, and pretend that I can tell jokes. But I have no need to create. I have no need to tell other people's stories.

And there it was. What I want: To have my own stories.

I want that feeling like "If I don't say this right now I'm going to burst." I want to make mistakes and feel embarrassed and get hurt and grow old and have babies and...and feel something. But mostly I want to feel alive. Like I am shaped by my experiences in a significant way. Like I have earned my happiness.

And then I want to share that happiness the best way I can. Like a love song. or a film, or just maybe an entry in my online journal... But it must happen. I can't be me until it does.

Dec 14, 2010

addicted to Rice-a-Roni.

Boredom = Eating.

Jobless = Boredom.

Jobless = Eating.

Get it together girl.

Dec 1, 2010

From big town to big city.

In the last 6 days I have:

Moved 1,000 miles.
Made my first home video.

I feel like a an adult and kind of like a wife. It's a good way. :)
