Jun 24, 2010

The only real Truth.

At work, it's easy to get excited when something abnormal happens.

Unfortunately when you work in the medical field that means that something is bad.

I can't help it when my heart flutters at the sound of a motor-neuron disease.

I can't hide a smile when a patient says they're moving their fingers when they clearly are not.

I'm seeking truth all day long. Is it there?
Sometimes I need a test to see it.
Sometimes I just know.
But either way, I like having the numbers and the pictures to prove it.


If only there was a science for people. For relationships and predicting the future and everything else in life that isn't physical. A truth test.

So when something "abnormal" happens.
When my stomach sinks, or my heart races - I'll know.
Because there would be proof somewhere that I'm allowed to feel that way.
That I'm allowed to fully live that moment to the fullest.
A Bachelor in Psychology won't get you that. I bet a doctorate won't either.
You just have to trust yourself

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