Jul 31, 2010

While I'm waiting to have my butt handed to me.

I saw a production of my favorite musical last night: Parade.

Aside from my short trip to NYC a month ago I've taken somewhat of a hiatus from theater. I think about it often but I haven't participated. Now to be fair I am working on music a lot more and reading so it's not like I'm a lazy lump.

It was just an interesting time in my life to see a production of a show that I call mine. A show that I fully intend on directing someday and a show that for some mysterious reason I feel very attached to.

Because I kept asking myself: Why?

Why do I care? Why do I, we, people, watch other people act out the same stories over and over. Why do we fight to be part of these stories. I've been prosecuting myself for years to come up with this master thesis on the justification for theater and people who spend their lives and money doing it. It's just the same as athletes playing the same game for 10 years.

The strongest and prevailing answer time and time again:

Because it just feels so fucking good.

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