Nov 19, 2010

Keep Breathing.

It wasn't hard leaving the office today. But right before I left I remembered I had the keys to the lab. And my ID badge. So I turned around and walked back in to give them to my manager.

I worked myself to the bone for those keys. To make it through all the changes. To get to now.

And as I walked into the lab with a straight face and a mission I began to feel the reality. My face got numb and I didn't want to say the words "here are my keys. and my badge." So I gently handed each one to my manager without a word. And I made the mistake of looking into her eyes. And as mine started to fill up with tears too, I knew it was really over.

I'm leaving.

Nov 16, 2010

It's all about the climax.

Every good song has that moment when you can just bust out. Scream or jump or dance.

Every scene or movie or story has that moment of truth or exposure.

Everyone's life has some sort of moment in it too. The moment when you know your life is going to change forever. The decisions you make, or the news you hear that moves something in you. Or makes you ask questions you never thought to ask before. Before this. This moment.

New York isn't about New York. It's about my chance to have my moment.

It's coming. Like a climax in a good song.
