Mar 28, 2013

What it's like to be a Positive Nancy.

Finally finished my fitness inspiration board I started 8 months ago. This is a physical board I'm going to hang in my kitchen. It felt really nice to make something with my hands.

April 1st is a new beginning in so so many ways. I'm getting ready...I know planning is imperative to meet my goals.

I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear. - Rosa Parks

Mar 25, 2013

Female intensely seeking career, loosely seeking job

I'd like to look at myself 4 years out of college and say that it got easier. 

"It" meaning "life." But since when does that ever happen? I feel more lost now than I did 4 years ago when I moved back in with my parents and had my whole professional career to define. In an ever-changing job market with new fields popping up everyday I get overwhelmed pretty easily. Apparently, I'm not the only one. Groups, committees, and entire communities are forming everyday for people like me. They are offering career workshops, interview training, resume fixing, and networking opportunities. They're so nice and supportive and positive. They're also not what I need right now. I've spent the entire beginning of the year learning how to pitch myself, change my marketing approach, hunt down the opportunities I need and meet the right people. Sounds good right?

But my problem has never been figuring out how to get what I want. My problem is that I have no idea what I want. Isn't that an age-old, universal problem? 

So I'm stuck feeling like I should want a career. 
When all I really want is to want something bad enough to go get it. 
